Individual, couples and family therapy & clinical supervision that foster agency, cultivate compassion and nurture accountability

All that you touch You Change. All that you Change Changes you. The only lasting truth is Change.
– Octavia Butler
I am a therapist, supervisor and educator that collaborates with individuals, couples, families and organizations to promote learning, healing and growth. Responsive relational conditions nourish our hopes, cultivate our sense of agency and empower us to take meaningful action. My approach to the therapeutic process is rooted in a commitment to fostering these conditions, and a profound respect for willingness.
I maintain a NYS Licensed Clinical Social Work license. I received my graduate training at the Smith College School for Social Work and completed the post-graduate Externship at the Ackerman Institute for the Family, where I have served as Faculty in the Core Curriculum, Clinical Associate on the Foster Care and Adoption Project, and Founder/Director of the Justice Project. I have consulted with organizations including the Partnership to End Addiction, developing curriculum and facilitating learning collaboratives. I have served on the Board of Directors of the American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA), as the Chair of AFTA’s Family Policy and Human Rights Committee and as a member of the Advisory Board of the Witness to Witness program.
NYS LCSW License# 082943
NPI# 1649538059
People often come to therapy longing to experience themselves in new ways, seeking access to a sense of possibility, and looking for company in their pursuit of change
The Individual therapy process is an affirming and engaging process in which you will be invited to to grow your understanding of yourself, encouraged to examine your ways of making meaning, and supported in accessing your preferred ways of being, thinking and doing. Through a combination of dialogue, reflection, psychoeducation and skills-building we will work together to address the aspects of your experience you are looking to transform.
Individual therapy sessions are 45 mins.
Families often come to therapy overwhelmed by things they can’t control or stuck in dynamics they can’t interrupt.
The family therapy process will invite you to actively and constructively address the relational struggles that interfere with your sense of connection and understanding. Utilizing dialogue, reflection, psycho-education, skills-building, we will work together to define the problems bringing you to therapy in complex, compassionate ways that transcend blaming and shaming narratives, support intentional behavioral change and nurture a sense of belonging. Whatever your family formation (e.g. parent/child, blended-family, adult child/parent, adult siblings) sessions will be structured to focus on the aspects of your family process you hope to understand better and experience in new ways (e.g. improving communication, reducing conflict, repairing ruptures, rebuilding trust, effectively navigating transitions, processing loss).
Family therapy sessions are 50 min.
Some couples may look to therapy for support effectively navigating important decisions and meaningful transitions. Others may be feeling helpless and hopeless in the face of painful and persistent dynamics.
The couples therapy process is designed to enable all parties the experience of both knowing and being known. Utilizing a combination of dialogue, reflection, psychoeducation and relational skills-building, we will work together to understand the struggles bringing you to therapy in complex, compassionate ways that transcend blame, decrease reactivity and invite opportunities to expand or restore intimacies. We will situate some of your respective relational expectations in formative experiences and dominant cultural narratives and interrupt those internalized messages that limit access to your preferred ways of being, thinking and doing in the relationship.
Couples therapy sessions are 50 min.
Responsibly, compassionately holding the experience of others can be lonely work and it can be grounding to know you have a non-judgmental space to bring that which arises in your time sitting with clients. Having a partner with whom to to expand frameworks and untangle constraints, to address stuck spots (questions, concerns, dilemmas and doubts) and build on moments of inspiration (openings, hunches, intuitions, wisdoms) enriches your experience of the therapy alongside that of your clients.
The supervisory process will focus on the goals you have for your self and your practice, and will include attention to the Self Of The Therapist, personal/professional/social identity development and critical consciousness. We will work together to identify and access your preferred ways of being, thinking and doing as a therapist. Our dialogues will take the shape that best suits your learning style and areas of interest. I will support you in growing your relationship to theory, therapeutic technique and clinical confidence and provide resources in response to your needs/interests.
Supervisory sessions are 45-50 min.
Contact me today to schedule a personal consultation.
Fees are determined upon discussion. I offer a sliding scale.
I am an out-of-network provider and do not directly accept any health insurance. Depending on your insurance plan, you may receive out-of-network benefits for psychotherapy or behavioral health or be eligible for reimbursement for some portion of the costs of out-of-network care. In either case, you would be able to submit your paid invoices to your insurance for reimbursement. Please contact your insurance company for details about your plan.